I recently completed creating this cloth baby doll for a little girl I used to take care of, she is very precious to me, so I wanted to make something special for her. She named the doll Bozeek which I think is the perfect name!

cloth doll about 14" from head to toe

face detail

The pattern for this doll was inspired by a doll my grandmother made in the 50s,
I did a post featuring my Grandmothers doll a few weeks ago. I had so much fun making this doll! I plan on creating more and sending them out into the world through my shop! I think there is something so romantic about the simplicity and sincerity of a handmade doll. The magic found in plastic toys pales in comparison to a hug-able, hand stitched doll. After searching the internet high and low I found a vintage pattern much like the one my grandmother used here