Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jonathan Levine Gallery

looking at the price list in the James Marshall Exhibit at the
Jonathan Levine Gallery

I recently went to my favorite gallery
( www.jonathanlevinegallery.com )for the Audrey Kawasaki and James Marshall show. I took little Bo with me, she is the girl I take care of 3 days a week. She really loved it, she kept talking about the Skeleton she saw in one of the pictures because it was a new word she learned. If you live in or near NYC definitely add Jonathan Levine Gallery to you list of activities. I love it because they always have stunning, cutting edge art, and they are so nice, one of the sellers even let Bo into her office to show her an impressive AJ Fosik Sculpture. One thing I am going to miss so much when I leave the city is having easy access to amazing art galleries like this.
I really admire Miss Kawasaki's work, particularly for her execution, her technique is brilliant because it is simultaneously very soft yet also carries a lot of depth. Love it!

Showing Bo the Skeletons in one of the Audrey Kawasaki pieces,Skeleton became the word of the day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Removal

This is a piece sprang from a sketch I did on my way home from Therapy actually. I have been bringing my sketchbook with me on the Train lately instead of a reading book and I have been catching some interesting images.

"The Removal"

Teeny Tiny

This is a little 1.25" x 1.25" painting I did on a cut piece of stick. Sorry for the bad picture, my camera was no focusing very well on this tiny little painting. I will be adding this to my shop soon as a necklace. I am going to add a layer of resin for protection, depth and shine.

1.25" x 1.25"