"It's All Right In Front of You"

face detail
This little piece is very dear to me. I was looking at an old doll my Grandmother made in the 50's that I always loved as a young girl and the face in this painting and that on the doll have almost identical characteristics. I wonder if it seeped in from my subconscious?

But that is not the main reason I love this painting so. Truthfully, I am not quite sure what is it exactly. I believe it's all the dualities going on, she is simultaneously affectionate and not, cute and a little erie and on and on...
When I first finished this piece she reminded me of the beloved Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I decided to really enforce this by giving her the iconic black bow, and I gave her baby the head of the white rabbit. I titled the piece "It's All Right In Front of You" because to me Alice really depicts the wanderer in all of us, with her head in the clouds dreaming, looking for something undefined. "It's all right in front of you" is an impossible statement because while it could be argued as true, particularly by quantum physicists ;) it seems inconceivable, and the harder Alice searches the "curiouser and curiouser" things become.
Speaking more specifically about the content of the piece, it all just really unfolded without a lot of intellectualizing. I think there can be many interpretations of it and that is what I love about art, the most important thing is each individual viewers experience and understanding.

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